Friday, November 1, 2019

Operator Interface, Characters

   Keeping with the KISS principle, character creation is very simple and easy. Roll 2d6 for each attribute, pick two abilities, pick one flaw, then pick/buy equipment, and its off to the races.
   The attributes I'm using are as follows,

Brawn, the measure of physical strength, constitution, and physical well being.

Deftness, the measure of agility, dexterity, and hand-eye coordination.

Savvy, the measure of IQ, knowledge, and languages known.

Grit, the measure of mental strength, and willpower.

Charisma, the measure of how well you socially interact, and persuade people.

Perception, the measure of a characters physical senses.

Depending on your attribute score it can give you a bonus or negative to task rolls.

Abilities, are different skills, talents or resources available to the character. So things like swordsman, ace pilot, sneaky, nimble, egghead, wealthy.

Flaws are things that are detrimental, and can be used for hooks into adventure/situations. So for example wanted, hard of hearing, phobia, or disfigured.

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