Uh, Oh! I may have created a monster. As I have stated in a previous post. We did not play the GI Joe, past history campaign sunday. Well Kane came to play the game. But no game. So we just hung out. We got talking about Mechwarrior. So I dragged out some of my Mechwarrior clicks. Scott totally dug them. Being a fan of the video games, novels, and the table top game. (You kids remember that right what they call the "Classic BattleTech" nowadays? ) He took right to them. Its looking like we may have to play some. Which is cool by me. I always enjoyed playing it. But I cant be buying any more. No really. Unless I get a good deal on a large lot or set. No, wait what am I saying? No I can't. Unless. No, no damn you. Kahn!!!!!!!!!
I put some bids on two lots on ebay today, they are ending in six hours, I hope I win, then I will have two armys of my own, then we will have to play
Oh man! Battlemech throw down is now close to a reality. What armys did you bid on?
a 77 unit Spirit Cat lot, and a 73 unit lot of house Davion, we will see if I win one or both in aobut 3 hours :)
What did ya get!? Did ya get both? I was telling Leroy. That maybe in the future besides playing the table top game. Maybe combine it with an RPG. So the the person to person activities are taken care of by the game character. Then use the Mechwarrior clicks for the vehicular/mech combat. I know there is a mech warrior RPG (as I used to own it) which is compatable with classic battle tech. But the clicks is self contained. And I really dont care for the system in the 2nd edition mechwarrior RPG. (and I dont remember the 1st edition RPG rules very well.) Besides I've been known to be a kitbasher sometime when it comes to RPGs.
I didn't win the two i wanted, I lost one out for a dollar, but I got the 71 pc Spirit Cat set, aka Clan Nova Cat, and I got a smaller, 31 pc House Davion Sword Sworn army just for kicks, here is a link to the Spirit Cats http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=200137356087&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=010
I am totally down for a mech rpg, I love anything battletech or mechwarrior related
You did alright. With just a quick look. Looks like a couple hatchetmen, a madcat, a spider, and arbelest (if it is what I think that my be a unique to that set.), locust a crimson hawk. Godd selection of vehicles. some VTOL's, and artillery. Definitely a good pull.
now to learn how to play, I downloaded the rules book off the net. I may even look into terrain building, its something I always wanted to try, goes back to my love of trains and their layouts
Its easy. I'm way rusty. But I do remember we taught your brother to play at one point. You should have no trouble with it.
my spirit cat/nova cat army of mechs should be here tomorrow, they should have been here today, but for some reason USPS didn't bring them *shakes fist at USPS*
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