In the Dywylled Forest, next to the Pine Barrens, and on the way to Twr Diafol is the Forbidden Woods. A dark forbidding place. Even at high noon it seems to be twilight here. No living creatures seem to be here. The woods perimeter is indicated by stone markers. These markers are 3 foot tall covered with obscure runes. Placed every 20 feet.
The Forbidden Woods is subject to much speculation as how it came to be. One thing known is it is the home of a terrible creature. Some say it was the site of a great battle between the black wizard Sarlaac, and the wizard known as Kelthorn the Word. Unleashing powerful magical energies upon the land. Yet others swear that Chump and Arthose the Sailor defeated an inter dimensional invasion here. What ever happened sucked the light and life from the place. Leaving a dark, evil place.
What is not known is that the creature that roams this wood used to be a force of good. Now corrupted and twisted it kills all it comes across.
Random Forbidden Woods encounters (roll 1d6)
1-2 Skeleton
3-4 Zombie
5 Ghoul
6 Wight
Corrupted Actaeon
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 11** (L)
Move: 150' (50')
Attacks: 2 spears/ 1 antler or breath (special)
Damage: 1d6+6/1d6+6/2d8
No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: C11
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: B
INtelligence: 12
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 3,000
Monster Type: Monster (Rare)
This creature used to be the protector of the woods. Now it is a murderous destroyer of life. The creature is 9" tall with the face, arms, and torso of a human like creature, but with the antlers and legs of an elk. (As a note to our European friends, when I say elk I mean an American elk. Not the European elk, that we here in the US refer to as a moose) Its entire body covered with a dirty black and brown elk like hide.
The beast blends into the forest perfectly. (as if invisible) It typically attacks with surprise. (1-5 on 1d6) It uses large wood spears tipped with jagged bone, to assault it victims.
It has a powerful breath weapon that can be used once per day, filling a 10x10x10 cube area with disease. It is treated like dragons breath for damage and saves. The victim that fails their save takes full damage and they and all items they carry become infected with a rotting disease. This disease causes all nonmetal items to rot away in 1d6 turns unless a cure disease spell is cast during that time. The victim cannot be healed by any healing spells, or healing items, save for a cure disease effect. The disease also causes 1 point of damage per turn. (for the 1d6 turns). If the saving throw is successful, half damage and avoids the disease.
Once per day it may summon 1d6 creatures to assist it. They arrive in 1d4 turns.
1. Skeleton
2. Zombie
3. Ghoul
4. Wight
Terrain: Forbidden Woods
Load: 3,000 cn at fullspeed; 6,000cn at half speed.
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