With a thunderous right, my knuckles crush the mooks jaw. A left round house knocks his buddy for a loop. The third and final crook gets an upper cut that lifts him off the ground before gravity takes over and slams him to the floor.
As I said before Noir Mystery Men, That Old Black Magic uses a system derived from S&W. How is one of the ways its different? It used a dual wound track. What I mean by that is it has Bruise hit points, and Lethal hit points. When you reach 0 bruise points your knocked out. Reach 0 lethal points your dead. All hand to hand melee combat does bruise damage. Lethal weapons do lethal and bruise. So for example a short sword does 1d6/1d6.
OSR Review & Commentary On Forest Adventures -- A Shadowdark Supplement By
James Mishler, & Jodi Moran-Mishler For The Shadowdark Rpg or Castles &
Crusades rpg campaign
"The materials presented in this booklet are optional, providing a new
ancestry, new class, new spells, and new patrons for players and new
monsters, trea...
2 hours ago
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