- I'm telling you it was no ordinary cobra. When it arose from the tea bushes it was tall as a man, and had fangs the size of fountain pens.
- What caused Navy divers off the coast of Hawaii so much fear that their hair turned white?
- Now fossils show a flightless bird of that size that could easily kill a human. But there's no way they still exist on that Javanese island.
- People have claimed to have seen the ghost of Manfred von Richthofen the "Red Baron" flying over the Somme.
- An explorer crawled out of the Sahara, half dead and just as mad. Speaking of a black Roman Empire.
- A vigilante crime fighter has criminals on the run in Philly.
- Prof. Argus phones with a frantic call for help.
- What on earth is old man Taylor going to do with six cases of shotgun shells?
- A couple of hunters were found murdered in the mountains of Washington state. Locals claim it was the work of a Wihtikow.
- Who broke into the national guard armory? What are they going to do with that kind of firepower?
The Thinking Ring
By VelociryxSelf PublishedHome Brew 5eLevels 3-5 It starts with an uneasy
feeling. A Foreboding. At least one member of the adventuring party feels
it. U...
5 hours ago
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