As you may remember from the previous session,
"They then approach the cave. Xanth scouts ahead. The tunnel opens into a large cavern. Across the center of which is a tall wall made of loose rocks. Behind this wall are two orcs, and three gnolls. He goes back a tells the others. They all sneak to the wall together. Readying to ambush the evil bandits. This is where we ended the adventure as people had to get going. Next week the conclusion of Dry Spell."
Now the conclusion,
As the players are crouched against the low wall hidden from the orcs and gnolls. Who appear to be arguing about some gambling, game of chance. Phineas and Xanth look toward the entrance to the cavern. They see Gaylen the druid looking at them. He waves and sneaks to them. They quietly form a plan. Xanth sneaks around the wall. Then behind the orcs, and gnolls. He then hollers out to them. "Hey what you guys arguing about?" The group turns to him. They holler at him. Then the orcs draw their swords and advance on Xanth. While the gnolls ready their bows. Staying in place. Well this is also the cue for the barbarians and druid to climb the wall and surprise the gnolls.
Well Xanth makes short work of the Orcs. Hes half dragon. So with his claws he does 7-9 points of damage every hit. The barbarians and druid have more trouble. The druid falls trying to climb the wall. Taking minimal damage. The barbarians climb the wall and attack. They have a bit of trouble. (Meaning they rolled threes an unnatural amount of times. Even missing when getting free attacks of opportunity as the gnolls used there bows against them in melee.) They finally take down the gnolls.
Xanth moves down the hall scouting ahead. While the rest of the group searches the orcs/gnolls and the room. Xanth comes to what appears to be the end on the tunnel. As it looks like ther was a cave in. But it had been rearranged to cover up tunnels to the right and the left. He returned to the rest of the group to tell them what he found.
Meanwhile the rest of the group found a 100 gold on each of the gnolls. That's besides the eight gold the creature were arguing over.
Well they all advance to the tunnel intersection. They proceed to the left. Gaylen cast light on to the end of his quarter staff to light the way for them. The hallway opened up into a huge cavern. With piles of furs and skins on one side. With a large table in the center with 4, orcs and 3, goblins seated at it arguing over treasure. As they rise to attack the intruders. Gaylen casts entangle. Stopping them in their tracks. (I know theirs no real plants there. But I told him I would allow it. So there you go.) The group went to work on them with ranged weapons. Gaylen throwing a dagger back and forth at a goblin. Along with Bartlebys short bow, and Phineas's sling. Xanth tried to parlay with them. Which they weren't very receptive to. Till they had been mostly killed. Then the last orc left cut a deal with them. The remaining goblins at that point were foaming at the mouth, going crazy. They definitely were not OK with making a deal. Yelling slurs and crazy talk at the characters. So they were killed off. Leaving the lone orc.
Well they searched the room and the creatures. Finding 400 gold pieces and a gold bracelet on the table. They then escorted the unarmed orc to the intersection. He told them that Relgores lair was straight ahead. And to be careful as their are traps up ahead. He then left the caves.
The characters moved ahead. The hallway widened, the floor being covered with small pebbles. They slowly crossed this. Expecting, and correctly so a trap. Phineas fell into a pit trap. Taking 9 points of damage. Bartleby lowered a rope helping him out of the pit. Xanth found a safe path across the hall. Which the rest of the players followed. They then entered Relgores lair. A large cavern, containing skins and furs for sleeping on. With two big snake headed humanoids statues in the center. There was Relogore and his two bodyguards. The barbarians advanced and engaged Relgore. While Xanth made short work of the orc body guards. Relgore did not go so easy. (He was a CR5 creature so he was no push over) Even with both the barbarians raging and using there strength of the bull powers. As Relgore did large damage to the brothers. bartleby was at -4 hit points for a little bit. They finally took him down. After a mighty struggle.
They recovered the sponge, the bugbears axe, and a bunch of gems. They took the head of Relgore as proof of their killing him. They returned to town and immediately rode to Bootlums house. The returned the sponge and showed him the head. He was quite pleased by that. Rewarding them the 2,500 gold pieces he had promised.
They then went to the general store. Where they traded in some of the gems and purchasing some equipment. The shop keep was very surly toward them. Especially Xanth, who he was very insulting toward. Saying to him at one point "Ugly and stupid is no way to go through life tiny man."
This is where we left off. With the characters heading to the Inn.
Next time "The Ettin's Riddle"
[Q&A] Brett Bernstein (Action and Adventure)
[7:32 PM]brettmb: My name is Brett Bernstein of Precis Intermedia. My
latest game to drop is Action and Adventure, an RPG about portraying action
heroes an...
4 hours ago
This should tell you how often I look at my blog. I just saw your comment on my last blog, best movies of the year list. I agree, The Prestige was a great movie, it just barely didn't make the list. I especially liked that Hugh Jackman had to commit suicide every night for like a month just to set Christian Bale up. Now that's dedication.
Yeah Baby! He's a half-dragon! That's awesome. When I grow up, I want to be a half-dragon! Maybe full dragon. Whatever, Man! I'll go either way. . .
Plus, The Prestige totally came out in October of 2006. I'm 100% sure because it was on my top ten of 2006. And YES! The Prestige was Awesome! The book is crazy creepy good too!!!
Hey, I thought you should know, The Condemned is the movie you were thinking of, with Stone Cold and Vinnie Jones. That didn't make my worst list, it wasn't that good, but Vinnie Jones blowing away everyone at the end made it not worst of material. Death Sentence is a crappy Kevin Bacon movie, where he's pretty much the wussiest version of the Punisher ever. And I got a new post name, like it.
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