This was the final mission for the players in Nam. Their mission was to trek deep into Northern Vietnam. Then ambush a train carrying tanks to reinforce an NVA position. The characters were joined by an anti-tank expert. his name is Steve Ithmus. He brought with him his own missile system. Which Leroy correctly identified as a custom/improved version of the Russian AT-4 Spigot anti-tank missile. The team was dropped off in Northern Vietnam by helicopter. Then marched to the target area. Which is a train track that intersects with a highway (using that term loosely). Shortly into their journey they encountered a couple of mountain tribesmen. Which miss took the team as NVA and fired on them. The players returned fire (including Carlos throwing the infamous pocket watch.) and threw a grenade taking out the tribesmen. Carlos searched the bodies. He left the weapons and ammo. Taking a pocket watch he found. (and a foot Troy cut off the dead tribesman for Carlos to throw.) Starting his quest to gather mundane items to throw and hit people with. Anyways The characters moved on encountering a peckary several times. With carlos throwing the foot at it. Soon after the characters made camp for the night. They had no encounters that night or the rest of the way to the target area. Once they arrived they found four soldiers guarding the area. These guards were quickly dispatched by silenced submachinegun and rifle fire. They then prepped the area for the arrival of the train. They set up C4 under the tracks. Then claymores facing the train. Along with Steve setting up a position to fire on the train with his missile system. The characters waited til the third car of the four car train was over the C4. The explosion tipped over the tank on the third car. It also knocked the front end of the tank of the four car off. The tank on the second car, the truck on the first car, and the engine were fine. NVA were swarming over the cars and train. So the team detonated the claymores. This took about half the enemy out. Steve Slammed the tank on the last car with an anti-tank missile. He quickly began reloading the missile system. Troy tossed a grenade in to the cab of the engine taking a couple soldiers. The rest of the enemy was quickly dispatched by the rest of the team. Then the tank on the second car. Its turret started turning toward Steve. He quickly hit it with a missile. Leroy and Carlos, climbed up on it and threw in grenades finishing off any life left in it. A guy popped up in the truck in front of them on the first car. Troy struck him down. They had dispatched the train. Steve took out the truck and the engine with his last missiles. They left the target area and headed back to their LZ to be picked up. They encountered two farmers/villagers walking down a path. They saw the team. And as not to let their position to be given away. They eliminated them post haste. (Which is short hand for Leroy kicked one in the nuts. Then Troy cut the others arm off. Then stabbed and finished off the groin victim.) They then continued on. They once again encountered more farmers. But this time remained hidden. Therefore let the farmers pass with out incident. The characters moved till night and set up camp. They set up watches like normal. Good thing. For that night an NVA column passed by closely. The characters decided to ambush the column. Leroy, Troy, and Kane. Threw grenades. Well Leroy, Troy did. Kane Dropped his. (Rolled a one which is a critical failure in my games) So they blew up the majority of the column. Kane blew up several of them. Then the NVA survivors sprayed the jungle with machine gun fire and grenades. But were quickly subdued when Troy finished them off with a grenade. They pulled up camp and kept moved to the LZ. They waited their and were picked up. Returning once again to base.
This is the last adventure the group will have in the Nam era. They are now moving on to 1976. As SAD operators for the CIA in Angola. I have asked the players to write a short history of what they did between Nam and Angola. Did they stay in the military? Become mercs? Get a normal job? Drop out of society? Join a martial arts school? It doesn't have to be anything long. But to give me at least a paragraph. But to feel free to write more. With their permission I would like to post them here. We'll see what happens. To those reading this. Posting it here is not mandatory so if you don't want me to that's fine. But its kind of been the game log so I thought it would fit.
(100 nerd points to whoever can tell me who Steve Istmus will turn out to be when they meet him again in the future.)
Next session Angola Visions of Futures Past.
GM's Day Sale Picks
It's March. That means RPG Drivethru is having its GM Day Sale! I've got a
couple, a few, a whole lot of good picks for you. Here are four that jumped
58 minutes ago
I am going to say Hawk, the leader of the future GI Joe team, screw that title grabing Duke
Quick Kick. There is NO WAY that Landbridge could possibly become any member other than Quick Kick.
Reply to Kane: ??? Huh?
Reply to Bungee: Wow you couldnt be more wrong if you had a +5 long sword of wrongness. ;-)
Clue: his name has the same intials as his future code name.
Same initials, Huh? Well, let's see, Steve Landbridge? Well it could be Sgt. sLaughter? Right, that would make sense! Oh wait, no. Steve was kinda quiet. And Slaughter was always running all overt he place barking orders. Maybe it is ScarLett?! That's IT, isn't it? He's going to realize that his true destiny is a woman! NO! Wait! He already IS a woman (which would explain his slender figure) and he just lied about it to get involved with the conflict!! I cannot believe we already met Scarlett!
Unless, of course, he (she) isn't going to be a Joe at all. Then it might be Scrap Iron. The anti-armor specialist.
No, wait, that's just silly. I still thin it is ScarLett.
Yeah Leroy brown wracked his brain over it too. He said to me I just cant figure it out. Unless he not a joe. I told him who said it was a joe. Then he figured it out. I showed him the picture of him I made for the nam game. Hes like I should have know with the goggles and helmet.
No, man. I didn't have to rack my brain. I told you, It is ScarLett! Steve Landbridge. S.L. Sacr Lett. How much more obvious could it be. The only other option I can think of is If you are being a stickler about that whole "Steve Isthmus" crap. Then I go back to my original guess of Quick Kick! Everyone knows that Quick Kick is the code name for MacArthur S. Ito. "S. Ito" Didn't think I'd know his actual name, did ya! Now the only part that confuses me is why Quick Kick is running around the Suck with anti-armor weaponry.
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