To the east of Septure lies the Pine Barrens. A swamp of murky, fetid water and tarry pine trees that eventually empties into the Carp River. Somewhere in the middle of this damp hell, is the remnants of an old empire outpost. Why would anyone venture into this place forsaken by the gods? Well their are two.
First off, while very dangerous, it is the most direct path to Twr Diafol. Secondly while danger awaits, great riches can be found. The Pine Barrens are home to giant bees. These bees produce a magical honey. Each pint of honey eaten acts as a half strength healing potion, curing 1d4 hp's. Each hive contains 1d10 pints worth of honey. But they make an even rarer thing, royal jelly. Royal jelly is a powerful substance. First it cures 1d6+1 hp's, and acts as a potion of Fortitude. Only a single dose worth of royal jelly will be found in a hive.
Wandering monster table for the Pine Barrens
Roll 1d12
1 Crocodile
2 Crocodile, Large
3 Leech, Giant
4-6 Bee, Giant
7 Nixie
8 Insect Swarm
9 Fish, Giant (Giant Bass)
10-11 Devil Frog
12 Devil Frog, Giant
GM's Day Sale - Knave 2e 50% Off
God, but I love Mullen's art - simply a fantastic cover!
*Knave* is Ben Milton's love letter to the OSR. It is NOT your traditional
D20 game, but at 5...
6 hours ago
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