Monday, July 13, 2020

Magic in Hawaiian Noir

    So I've been working on the magic for Hawaiian Noir. I definitely wanted ritual magic which takes a while. I kinda want the fast slam bang like D&D magic. At the same time I don't think that fits. I have figured it out though. Finding what I think is a good solution.
    Magic is all about summoning, binding and commanding spirits. Some times that works out well, sometimes it is disastrous for the summoner. Spirits can be summoned and commanded. They even might be set on people to possess them. Even though commanded, spirits may act in strange of unpredictable ways.
    Summoners can channel spirits through themselves. So say for example the summoner, summons a fire spirit and channels its power through them self. They can shoot fire from their hands for example. Giving them control of what happens as opposed to sicking a fire spirit on someone, and hoping for the best. But there is a draw back. Channeling a spirit can also leave them open to be possessed by the spirit. Which could have dire consequences. It might be welcome as well. You might channel an ancestor, who was a samurai. Who fights off a pile of attackers with a sword taking control of your body. Spirits can also be sent to possess and take people over. Obviously people get a grit roll to resist being possessed, and such.
    Not just anyone can summon spirits. One must have a knack for it. Characters must select Summoning as an ability during character creation.

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