Monday, November 12, 2018

Attributes of a Viking

    So let's start with attributes.

Measure of one's melee combat abilities, and physical coordination.

Measure of one's speed, dexterity, and ability to target with ranged weapons.

Measure of one's pure physical strength.

Measure of a one's health, and stamina.

Measure of one's learning and smarts.

Measure of one's mental strength, and resistance to fear.

Measure of one's senses, and the ability to detect.

Measure of how well one interacts with other people, animals, and creatures.

All of these are assigned a single die. These are the dice available are,

  • 1, d12
  • 1, d10
  • 2, d8
  • 3, d6
  • 1, d4
So for example our warrior "Björn" has his Attributes arranged as such,

  • Fighting d12
  • Agility d8
  • Strength d10
  • Endurance d8
  • Intelligence d4
  • Willpower d6
  • Perception d6
  • Charisma d6
Characters also have two derived stats.

Hit Points
This is the measure of how much damage a character can withstand before dying. A characters Hit points are Endurance x2.

This is the measure of the characters perceived honor. Used when interacting with people. Norse with positive honor are considered truthful, and reliable. Norse of negative honor are not. This can change during game play. Doing brave, and honorable things can increase this. While doing things considered cowardly or wrong can decrease this. Honor is measured in dice, both positive and negative. Warriors start with 0 honor. Berserks start with -d2. Outlaws start with -d4. Skalds start with +d2.

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